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2015-16 School News

PreK and K Step Up 2016

On Tuesday, June 7, our youngest students celebrated their progression to the next grade level with a prayerful step up program. Their colorful backdrop proclaimed that, “We are the work of God’s hands!” The children have learned throughout this year that we perform God’s work by our kind acts and words toward one another.

 Under the direction Kindergarten teacher Mrs. Jenkins and Preschool teacher Mrs. Horn and her assistant, Mrs. Kraker, the children presented many songs and readings. The Kindergarten students read the story about Jesus encouraging the children to come to Him, and the Preschool students handled the petitions during the ceremony. All of our students understand that even though they are little, they can perform acts of love and service. Each child walked across the stage to receive their diploma and to be welcomed by their next year’s teacher. At the reception that followed the ceremony, the children were happy to share their joy with loving family members.

Enjoy the video montage of photos and video clips from the day! Congratulations to our youngest students on all of their fine accomplishments and growth this year!

PreSchool and Kindergarten Step Up Video Slideshow

PreSchool and Kindergarten Step Up Video Slideshow

Graduation 2016

On Friday, June 3, our eighth graders graduated during a tradition filled Graduation Mass and commencement ceremony at St. Alphonsus Church. This culminated the activities that allow us to bid a fitting and fond farewell to these students who have spent many years at St. Als-St. Pats. They have evolved into fine young men and women and we are all very proud of them. We are confident that they will continue to succeed in their chosen high schools and that every one of them will continue to live the Celtic Mission and be Powered by Love as they go on to make the world a better place. They will remain always S.H.A.R.K.S.: Strong, Humble, Accepting, Respectful, Kind-Hearted, and Smart. Best wishes to all of our fine graduates!

Graduation 2016 Video Slide Show

Graduation 2016 Video Slide Show

8th Grade Farewell Mass and Banquet

At St. Alphonsus/St. Patrick School, we have high regard for our 8th grade graduates, some of whom have been with our school community for 10 years!  It is hard to say good-bye to these wonderful students that we have known for so long! Yet, we find many ways to bid them farewell and Godspeed as they leave us to go on to high school and eventually to change the world for the better. The farewells begin with our Farewell Mass Celebration. We take the time as a school community to cherish these students at our final all school Eucharistic celebration.

Another highlight of Graduation week for our 8th grade students is the banquet hosted for them by a very dedicated group of 7th grade moms.  This year the banquet was held at the Broken Arrow Golf Club. The 8th grade students and their parents gathered to relive memories and to celebrate the bright futures that our graduates will have. We also bid a fond farewell to twelve families whose youngest child is graduating from St. Alphonsus-St. Patrick School this year.  Two of these families have had children in attendance at our school for over 20 years! We will certainly miss all of our graduating students and all of the families who will no longer have students here.

Included here is a digital copy of the eighth grade memory book that each student receives as well as several photos from the events.

8th Grade Memory Book 2016

8th Grade Memory Book 2016

Farewell Mass 2016, Slideshow

Farewell Mass 2016, Slideshow

Biography Buddies

Biography Buddies

For their May Book Reports, the fourth and fifth grade students in Mrs. Cunningham’s Language Arts classes read biographies about famous people.  As part of their report, each student created a “biography buddy” to portray the subject of their biography book. The personalities were created from a bottle and various other materials. Everyone in the school  has had a wonderful time trying to figure out whom each bottle buddy represented! Enjoy some photos of the marvelous creations. 
4th Grade Poets

4th Grade Poets

The fourth grade students have worked very hard in their language arts class with Mrs. Cunningham and in the computer lab with Mrs. Yakes to create lovely Poetry portfolios that include eleven different poetry forms.

They typed and illustrated all of their poetry at school in the computer lab. Their portfolio also includes a Table of Contents, a dedication page, a review of a personal favorite poem by another author and a glossary of figurative language types that are often used to enhance poetry.

Recently, the students chose their three favorite poems of the ones they wrote to share with their classmates and with a wider audience via the recording posted here. They were happy to present their work to their appreciative audience who snapped their fingers to show adulation for the poetry.

Finally, the students’ entire portfolios can be viewed in electronic form on this Poetry Corner Website. The portfolios have been transformed into eBook form so that you can enjoy the complete poetic writings of our talented fourth graders!

First Holy Communion and May Crowning 2016

First Holy Communion and May Crowning 2016

The month of May calls for special dedication to Mary, the mother of Jesus and inspiration to us all for her willingness to say Yes to God’s plan for her. As part of the celebration of Mary, St. Alphonsus / St. Patrick   students crowned Mary during Mass on Friday, May 13.  Eighth grader Marina Z., escorted by fellow 8th grade student Andrew W., had the honor of crowning Mary. She was supported and assisted by other 8th grade classmates as well as the second grade students who recently celebrated their First Holy Communion. The second graders from St. Alphonsus parish celebrated their First Holy Communion on April 23 and the children from St. Patrick parish received the Holy Eucharist for the first time on May 3.  The May Crowning Mass on May 13 marked the first time that the second graders had the privilege of receiving Holy Communion with their school community! To honor the occasion and Mary, they dressed in their First Communion finery and honored Mary with flowers. This beautiful ceremony helps to keep the faithfulness of Mary alive in our minds and hearts so that we might draw upon her strength and bring it to life for each other.
Kindergarten Mother's Day Tea 2016

Kindergarten Mother's Day Tea 2016

We are so blessed to have so many wonderful mothers who are a part of our school community. On Friday, May 6, our Kindergarten students took time to honor some of them in a special way as they hosted a lovely tea for their own moms. With the help of their teacher, Mrs. Jenkins, they created lovely place mats and flowers and a special candle gift, performed specially prepared entertainment, and served their moms treats.  Each student also created a special keepsake DVD and computer generated cards for their mothers with the help of technology teacher Mrs. Yakes. The DVD captured their videotaped thoughts about their moms. The students even designed their own hand drawn CD case jacket. This very special tribute to the moms of some of our youngest students is always a lovely highlight of our school’s many May events. Enjoy watching a little recap of the event as well as a video montage of photos from the day….
Lego Engineering Assembly

Lego Engineering Assembly

Thanks to our wonderful Family School Association, the whole school enjoyed a terrific experience with Lego engineering on Thursday, April 21. Collaboration, critical thinking, problem solving and perseverance were all at work during the entire assembly. Each class had a 90 minute experience. The youngest students worked with engineering stable and strong structures. Intermediate grades designed cars that used pull back motors to run. Finally, the junior high students worked with Lego Robotics to design and program robotic vehicles. The students had a great time during this active and thought provoking assembly!
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